From my inbox to the tubes

Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Fwd: It's a New Day!

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Paula Rogers" <>
Date: 18 November 2008 19:10:17 GMT
To: "Naima Woodson" <>, "'Jim Gardner'" <>
Subject: FW: Fw: It's a New Day!

Political cartoons that appeared in newspapers on 


tom  toles - washington post (dc)


nick  anderson - houston chronicle (tx)


mike  luckovich - atlanta journal constitution (ga)


g  b trudeau - doonesbury


pat  oliphant - syndication


ben  sargent - austin american statesman (tx)



ed  stein - rocky mountain news (co)


mike  keefe - denver post (co)


chan  lowe - florida sun sentinel (fort lauderdale, fl)


bruce  plante - tulsa world (ok)


clay  bennett - chattanooga times free press (tn)


david  fitzsimmons - arizona daily star (tucson, AZ)


jimmy  margulies - the record (hackensack, nj)


J  d crowe - mobile register (al)


john  sherffius - boulder camera (co)




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