From my inbox to the tubes

Thursday, 18 September 2008

Coming soon - faster, better Hotmail

Exciting changes to Hotmail® are headed your way. The most immediate change will be how your inbox looks. Based on customer feedback, we've streamlined the inbox and improved its performance, creating a faster, better Hotmail for you.
The first few changes you'll see over the coming weeks:

Simpler, cleaner design. A streamlined design that makes your everyday tasks easier.

Faster than ever. Signing in and seeing your e-mail will be up to 70 percent faster* than before.

More cool stuff coming soon. You can look forward to even more great Hotmail updates, like ever-increasing storage, the ability to send instant messages right from your browser, and new calendar features that make it easier to share your schedule with family and friends.
  *Based on Microsoft tests performed July 2008, Hotmail showed up to 70% greater speed for the following transactions over broadband connections: sign in, view e-mail, open e-mail. On narrowband connections, the tests showed up to 56% greater speed for the same transactions.

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